About the NABC
The National Association of Bargaining Councils (NABC) was formed in 1993 to unite industrial councils and serve as a platform to articulate common challenges faced by both labour and business representatives. Amendments to the Labour Relations Act (LRA) of 1995 greatly changed the face of industrial councils (now known as bargaining councils) by significantly increasing their role and power. The NABC played a leading role in the implementation of these amendments and unsured that its member councils were geared for these significant changes.
NABC Membership Form.pdf
69.6 KB |
NABC Constitution.pdf
227.52 KB |
Request for proposals (RFP) for external audit services to the MEIBC
Proposals close 28 May 2024
Delivery of the Labour Dispute Resolution Practice Qualification by public universities
The CCMA and Bargaining Councils have partnered with Public Universities to deliver a qualification in Labour Dispute Resolution Practice. Over the past three years this partnership has made excellent progress.
[ More information ]
Safe Back2Work Campaign
As thousands of South Africans return to work from the far reaches of the country and beyond, workplace safety takes the spotlight. Anticipating this need, the Return2Work initiative has launched a range of punchy and accessible safe back2work videos. These are available free online for use and distribution to any business, union, employee or member of the public on the Return2Work.co.za website.
With the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic sweeping through the country, every effort must be made to limit transmission. Safety at work is paramount to ensure the well being of employees and their families, as well as business productivity. Minimising the impact of the second wave in workplaces requires that employers across the public and private sectors, together with unions, take the lead in working together to get the “safe back2work” message out.
Raising awareness among workers and employers has been made much easier through the release of six educational videos which have been loaded onto the Return2Work.co.za website. These free, light-hearted, Covid-19 workplace educational videos are available in isiZulu, isiXhosa and seSotho with English subtitles.
The videos cover a range of key messages about staying safe in workplaces by wearing masks properly; social distancing; sneezing into your elbow; following workplace protocols in terms of daily screening; travelling safely on public transport to and from work; socialising safely outside of work; and when and how one should self-isolate.
The videos supplement a range of workplace focused educational resources launched by Return2Work in December 2020. The educational resources provide clear and targeted content on workplace safety.
Both the educational resources and videos can be freely downloaded and distributed via email, WhatsApp, twitter, Instagram and Facebook. They have been developed by Return2Work, a voluntary collaboration, in conjunction with the Solidarity Fund.
Issued by: Return2Work and the Solidarity Fund.